Value your time
Time is one of the most precious things in our lives. We all have this treasure even if not in the same measure. A relationship, career, experience but also a good wine need their own time for perfection. Therefore we should value it, choose where and who we want to spend it with. We would be glad to welcome you in our
CLOCK COFFEE & BAR in the centre of Trenčín.
Discover excellence

Bar & Wine shop
A selection of drinks from all over the world and a precisely composed wine card – we made sure you could taste something unique at every visit.

Snack & Breakfast
The full breakfast menu is prepared from homemade and mostly local ingredients. During the day, you can enjoy specialities from our offer of snacks and desserts.

Jazz & RnB & Soul
Are you looking for a place in the centre of Trenčín to enjoy an evening full of good music and exceptional atmosphere? Here you will find only the best of jazz, RnB or soul.
Discover excellence

Bar & Wine shop
A selection of drinks from all over the world and a precisely composed wine card – we made sure you could taste something unique at every visit.

Snack & Breakfast
The full breakfast menu is prepared from homemade and mostly local ingredients. During the day, you can enjoy specialities from our offer of snacks and desserts.

Jazz & RnB & Soul
Are you looking for a place in the centre of Trenčín to enjoy an evening full of good music and exceptional atmosphere? Here you will find only the best of jazz, RnB or soul.

First-class raw materials

Harney & Sons teas are the option for Buckingham Palace. We believe that our customers will love them as well. Hand-picked and specially chosen tea leaves provide 100% quality assurance. This process is completed by professional tea preparation, which is done by our staff.

The ERB brewery in Banská Štiavnica has won the hearts of many lovers of this golden beverage in a short time of its existence. We are convinced it mustn´t be missing in our place. Draft light lager 12°, bottle 10°, dark special and non-alcoholic ERB – these are the products that will appeal to you as well.

Quality and perfect taste are key features for us in every area. That´s why we decided for cooperation with fairtrade coffee Puro. It has an amazing taste and is made in accordance with the values of a fair market – it offers fair prices to farmers and cares for the protection of forests.

In our wine card you will find more than 100 kinds of quality wines from all over the world, eg. champagne or prosecco. Our qualified staff will introduce you individual brands and varieties and help you choose the one that will impress you with its taste and captivating scent.
Visit us
Mon. 07:30 – 22:00
Tue. 07:30 – 22:00
Wed. 07:30 – 22:00
Thu. 07:30 – 22:00
Frid. 07:30 – 01:00
Sat. 08:00 – 01:00
Sun. 08:00 – 22:00
Mierové námestie č. 15
Trenčín, 911 01
+421 907 122 767
Ing. Jana Mičegová
Matice slovenskej 30, Trenčín, 911 05
IČO: 36 309 052
DIČ: 2021527112
IČ DPH: SK 2021527112,
podľa §4, registrácia od 13.2.2004
Zápis v ORSR: Obchodný register Okresného súdu Trenčín, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 11611/R